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General Practice Access Routes

Helping patients to better understand the choice of access route to use when contacting a GP practice. The campaign can also help GP practices better communicate with their patients about the best ways of getting in touch with them when they need help.

Campaign details

Target audience: Adults

Topics: NHS

Campaign end date: Ongoing


There are different ways that a patient can request help from a general GP practice. They can phone or visit the practice, go to the practice’s website and complete a convenient and secure form.

Familiarity with requesting help via a practice website is limited and even patients who are aware may use it reluctantly. Many may think that by requesting help via the website, they won’t get what they need – a face-to-face appointment, for example.

Furthermore, many patients don’t realise that regardless of how they contact their surgery – whether by phone, in person or using an online form – their practice will help them get the care they need, whether it’s a face-to-face appointment, a phone or video call or by sending a text or online message.

Published: 28 October 2022