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0-3 and Pregnant Women Top Tips for Teeth Leaflet

The Top Tips for Teeth Leaflets provide top tips for children's oral health, with advice for 0-3 year olds and pregnant women in one leaflet, and 3+ year olds in a separate one.

Key messages

The leaflets have different messages including:

  • "To help avoid tooth decay say goodbye to the bottle."
  • "Help them brush twice a day to keep decay away."
  • "Protect their smile with regular visits to the dentist."
  • "Protect your pregnancy smile."
  • "Remember no need to rinse after brushing."
  • "Encourage them to spit, not rinse."
  • "Avoid giving fruit juice & squash to your baby."
  • "Skip the sugar they're sweet enough."

These assets are available to download and order as print-ready PDFs (versions with crops and bleeds, and without) and localisable print-ready PDFs (with crops and bleeds, and without).

Resource details

  • Published: 30 September 2024
  • Last updated: 30 September 2024


Top Tips for Teeth 0-3 and pregnant women leaflet

ZIP contains PDFs

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