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Top Tips For Teeth

These dental hygiene resources have Change4Life-branding and colours. They are for dental professionals to use in their practices, to encourage parents and carers to help children learn good dental hygiene.

One key message to get across is that sugar reduction has a clear role to play in maintaining oral health in children.

Campaign details

Related website

Target audience: Healthcare professionals, Parents and children

Topics: Dental health, Eating well

Key messages

There are 3 key tips, which many of the resources have. These are:

  • "Be sugar smart", which is about reducing sugar to protect teeth
  • "See the dentist" and "Come back soon", which is on resources including posters
  • "Twice is nice", which is to encourage brushing your teeth twice a day

Related e-learning

A free bite-sized e-learning introduction to child oral health including key evidence, data and signposting.

Published: 22 September 2021