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Transition to secondary school lesson plan

Developed with teachers, this PowerPoint helps you explore with your class the challenges that can arise with the transition from primary to secondary school, and help pupils identify strategies for managing the change.


Supports the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education statutory guidance

Mental wellbeing

  • that there is a normal range of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, nervousness) and scale of emotions that all humans experience in relation to different experiences and situations
  • how to recognise and talk about their emotions, including having a varied vocabulary of words to use when talking about their own and others' feelings
  • where and how to seek support (including recognising the triggers for seeking support), including whom in school they should speak to if they are worried about their own or someone else‘s mental wellbeing or ability to control their emotions (including issues arising online)

Supports the PSHE curriculum:

Core Theme 1 (Health and wellbeing)

  • H24 – problem-solving strategies for dealing with emotions, challenges and change, including the transition to new schools

Core Theme 2 (Relationships)

  • R31 – to recognise the importance of self-respect and how this can affect their thoughts and feelings about themselves; that everyone, including them, should expect to be treated politely and with respect by others (including when online and/or anonymous) in school and in wider society; strategies to improve or support courteous, respectful relationships

Learning objectives

After the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • identify the differences between primary and secondary school
  • describe how it might feel to move to secondary school
  • explain different ways of managing change

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 15 August 2024
  • Last updated: 7 August 2024


PowerPoint presentation

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