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Self-care – KS3 and KS4 form time activities

Developed with teachers and NHS approved, these flexible sessions explore the meaning of self-care.

Students explore a range of self-care strategies, including connecting with others, being physically active and learning something new.

5 short videos are embedded in the PowerPoint.


Supports the Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance

Mental wellbeing

  • how to talk about their emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary
  • how to recognise the early signs of mental wellbeing concerns

Physical health and fitness

  • the positive associations between physical activity and promotion of mental wellbeing, including as an approach to combat stress

Supports the PSHE curriculum

Core Theme 1 (Health and wellbeing)


  • H1 how we are all unique; that recognising and demonstrating personal strengths build self-confidence, self-esteem and good health and wellbeing 
  • H2 to understand what can affect wellbeing and resilience (for example, life changes, relationships, achievements and employment)
  • H10 – a range of healthy coping strategies and ways to promote wellbeing and boost mood, including physical activity, participation and the value of positive relationships in providing support
  • H14 – the benefits of physical activity and exercise for physical and mental health and wellbeing


  • H1 – to accurately assess their areas of strength and development, and where appropriate, act upon feedback 
  • H2 – how self-confidence, self-esteem, and mental health are affected positively and negatively by internal and external influences and ways of managing this
  • H5 – the characteristics of mental and emotional health; to develop empathy and understanding about how daily actions can affect people’s mental health
  • H7 – a broad range of strategies — cognitive and practical — for promoting their own emotional wellbeing, for avoiding negative thinking and for ways of managing mental health concerns

Learning outcomes

After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • explain what self-care means
  • identify and try out a range of self-care strategies
  • complete a self-care bullet journal

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 15 August 2024
  • Last updated: 7 August 2024



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