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Physical and mental wellbeing – KS3 and KS4 lesson plan

Developed with teachers and NHS approved, this lesson explores how looking after our physical health can have a positive impact on our mental wellbeing.

A "true or false" quiz addresses common misconceptions while a short video prompts students to consider the importance of physical activity.


Supports the Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance

Mental wellbeing

  • know there is a relationship between good physical health and good mental wellbeing and that this can also influence their ability to learn
  • the benefits and importance of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation, and voluntary and service-based activities on mental wellbeing and happiness

Physical health and fitness

  • the positive associations between physical activity and promotion of mental wellbeing, including as an approach to combat stress

Health and prevention

  • the importance of sufficient good quality sleep for good health and how a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn

Supports the PSHE curriculum

Core Theme 1 (Health and wellbeing)


  • H2 to understand what can affect wellbeing and resilience (for example, life changes, relationships, achievements and employment)
  • H5 – to recognise and manage internal and external influences on decisions which affect health and wellbeing
  • H10 – a range of healthy coping strategies and ways to promote wellbeing and boost mood, including physical activity, participation and the value of positive relationships in providing support 
  • H12 – how to recognise when they or others need help with their mental health and wellbeing; sources of help and support and strategies for accessing what they need
  • H14 – the benefits of physical activity and exercise for physical and mental health and wellbeing


  • H7 – a broad range of strategies – cognitive and practical – for promoting their own emotional wellbeing, for avoiding negative thinking and for ways of managing mental health concerns 
  • H10 – how to recognise when they or others need help with their mental health and wellbeing; strategies and skills to provide basic support and identify and access the most appropriate sources of help
  • H11 to make informed lifestyle choices regarding sleep, diet and exercise

Learning outcomes

After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify the link between physical and mental wellbeing
  • describe strategies for improving physical and mental wellbeing
  • explain ways to help those who need support with their physical or mental wellbeing

For more information on how to use these lesson plans in the classroom, visit the PSHE Association website.

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 15 August 2024
  • Last updated: 7 August 2024


Lesson plan

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