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Exam stress lesson plan pack

Use this lesson plan, PowerPoint and accompanying videos to teach students to identify the signs and symptoms of exam stress and recognise that it can affect young people, before, during and after an exam.

Using the concept of designing an 'exam buddy' app to help them, students develop helpful strategies for managing their own exam stress and supporting friends who may also be experiencing stress.

The accompanying videos are featured below.

Download includes:

  • Exam stress lesson plan PDF
  • Managing exam stress: tips and advice PDF
  • PowerPoint for use in class



Supports the PSHE curriculum


Core theme 1: Health and wellbeing

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • H5 — the characteristics of mental and emotional health, and strategies for managing it

Core theme 3: Living in the wider world

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • L8 — about their own identity as a learner, their preferred style of learning and to develop study, research, personal presentation and organisation skills


Core theme 1: Health and wellbeing

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • H4 — the characteristics of emotional and mental health and the causes, symptoms and treatments for some mental and emotional health disorders (including stress, anxiety and depression)
  • H3 — strategies for managing mental health including stress, anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide, and sources of health and support

Core theme 3: Living in the wider world

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • L12 — time management, self-presentation, project planning, team-working, networking and managing online presence
  • R29 — the role peers can play in supporting one another (including helping vulnerable friends to access reliable, accurate and appropriate support)

Learning outcomes

Teach your students about the potential effects of exam stress on physical and emotional wellbeing, and ways to manage it.

After the lesson, pupils can:

  • identify signs of exam stress in themselves and others
  • know who to ask for advice and where to look for guidance on exam stress
  • select and use strategies to help them manage exam stress, including revision techniques

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 7 August 2024


Lesson plan

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