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Dealing with change lesson plan pack

Developed with teachers, this lesson plan and PowerPoint help you explore with your class the expected and unexpected changes people may face in their lives, and help students identify strategies for managing change.


Supports the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education statutory guidance

Mental wellbeing

  • how to talk about their emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary
  • that happiness is linked to being connected to others
  • the benefits and importance of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation and voluntary and service-based activities on mental wellbeing and happiness

Supports the PSHE curriculum: Core Theme 1 (Health and wellbeing)


  • H2 - to understand what can affect wellbeing and resilience (e.g. life changes, relationships, achievements and employment) 
  • H10 - a range of healthy coping strategies and ways to promote wellbeing and boost mood 


  • H2 - how self-confidence self-esteem, and mental health are affected positively and negatively by internal and external influences and ways of managing this 
  • H7 - a broad range of strategies — cognitive and practical — for promoting their own emotional wellbeing, for avoiding negative thinking and for ways of managing mental health concerns 
  • H6 - about change and its impact on mental health and wellbeing and to recognise the need for emotional support during life changes and/or difficult experiences 

Learning objectives

After the lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify expected and unexpected changes
  • describe the impact that change can have
  • explain different ways of managing change and where to seek support

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 7 August 2024


Dealing with change PowerPoint

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