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Body image in a digital world plan pack

Use this lesson plan and PowerPoint to help students explore what body image is and how social media can influence it, and identify ways to reduce stress or anxiety caused by online pressure.

Download includes:

  • body image lesson plan PDF
  • PowerPoint for use in class


Supports the PSHE curriculum


Core theme 1: Health and wellbeing

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • H18 — how the media portrays young people, body image and health issues, and that identity is affected by a range of factors, including the media and a positive sense of self
  • H19 — that identity is affected by a range of factors, including the media and a positive sense of self

Core theme 2: Relationships

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • R1 — the qualities and behaviours they should expect and exhibit in a wide variety of positive relationships (including teams, class, friendships etc)
  • R30 — how to recognise peer pressure and develop strategies to manage it


Core theme 1: Health and wellbeing

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • H1 — how to evaluate the extent to which their self-confidence and self-esteem are affected by the judgements of others
  • H10 — how to recognise influences on and manage feelings about their body image, including the media's portrayal of idealised and artificial body shapes

Core theme 2: Relationships

Pupils should have the opportunity to learn:

  • R2 — the characteristics and benefits of positive, strong, supportive, equal relationships
  • R29 — the role peers can play in supporting one another (including helping vulnerable friends access reliable, accurate and appropriate support)

Learning outcomes

Teach your students about how social media can influence and affect perceptions of body image and cause stress.

After the lesson, pupils can:

  • recognise the impact of social media on body image
  • know who to ask for advice and where to look for guidance on body image and online stress
  • use techniques for minimising stress that may arise from a negative perception of body image influenced by social media

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 7 August 2024


Lesson plan

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