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Sugar facts leaflet

This leaflet is a great way to engage parents and help them think about simple ways to help their children eat less sugar.

This resource is an easy way to communicate the new SACN guidelines on sugar.

In the classroom

Want to help children take the Sugar Swaps message home?

Use this as a follow-up activity after you’ve got children thinking about healthier snack swaps in the classroom.

This leaflet gets parents thinking about how sugar may be sneaking into their diet and how to reduce it, including tips for drinks, breakfast, snack and pudding swaps.


Supports PSHE and design and technology

PSHE Association guidance on delivering Health and Wellbeing in the Curriculum.

Health and Wellbeing

Key Stage 1

  • To recognise what they like and dislike, how to make real, informed choices that improve their physical and emotional health, and recognise that choices can have good and bad consequences 

Key Stage 2

  • To recognise opportunities to make their own choices about food, what might influence their choices, and the benefits of eating a balanced diet

Design and Technology

Cooking and Nutrition

Key Stage 1

  • Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes

Key Stage 2

  • Understand and apply the principles of a healthy varied diet

Learning objectives

  • Understand how to maintain a balanced diet to lead a healthier lifestyle as they grow up
  • Adopt an independent and proactive approach to healthier eating by making healthier snack choices
  • Swap to lower sugar and lower fat foods based on their increased awareness of the impact of fat build-up in the human body

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 8 August 2024


Sugar facts leaflet

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