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Healthy eating checklist

Use these great ideas to help improve your school meals and encourage children to eat healthily.

Contains practical suggestions which should get head teachers thinking and feeling empowered to improve their school meals.

Try this!

Invite parents, carers and grandparents to taste school food and eat with the children at lunchtime or parents' evenings.

In the classroom

Want to improve school meals? This checklist is perfect for head teachers and includes lots of great ideas for improving school meals – and increasing the number of children who eat them.

Checklist includes:

  • Ways to make school meal times better and ensure children have a healthy, balanced meal
  • Ideas for a whole-school approach
  • Top tips for engaging parents and the community

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 9 August 2024


Healthy eating checklist

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