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Be Food Smart: KS2 toolkit

Use this guide to help teach your class what's in our food and how to make healthier swaps to eat less sugar, saturated fat and salt.

"Sienna's story allows children to reflect upon a 'real' case scenario. Activities are pitched at the right level and offer opportunities to gather information."

Luke Thomas, KS1/2 teacher

In the classroom

Developed by educational experts, the Be Food Smart KS2 pack includes:

  • Teacher guide – including a flexible, curriculum-linked pack
  • Lesson PowerPoint presentation – to use as a starter if pupils have not participated in the introductory Be Food Smart assembly
  • Quiz sheet
  • Activity sheets
  • Extension ideas – additional ideas for healthy eating activities
  • Nutrition information sheet for teachers – explaining food label information​

The pack refers to three Be Food Smart films, featuring two children acting as investigative reporters to find out how they can eat a healthier breakfast.

Follow up the lesson by using the Be Food Smart: pupil campaign pack to develop your own pupil-led campaign, and help pupils find out what's in their food, compare products and make healthier choices.

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 8 August 2024



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