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Top tips to keep your family healthy and happy leaflet

A tool to engage parents – this leaflet provides simple tips for them to help their kids eat well and move more.

Great resources for parents, featuring five easy tips to help keep kids healthy and active.

In the classroom

This leaflet has five easy tips to help parents keep their kids feeling great. These tips have been put together by health professionals and will help parents to get their kids to eat well and move more.

Put it in your pupils' book bags to carry the healthy eating and move more messages home.

These tips include:

  • Sugar swaps
  • Me-sized meals
  • Snack smart
  • Eating out
  • Get going every day

Top tip: This leaflet also signposts parents to the Change4Life website, highlighting the additional ideas available there.

Get parents involved!

Use the ideas in this leaflet to create a newsletter for parents and give them easy advice about how they can keep their kids healthy. 

Resource details

  • Topics: Schools
  • Target audience: Students and teachers
  • Published: 22 August 2024
  • Last updated: 12 August 2024


Top tips leaflet

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