Childhood Vaccinations

The uptake figures of the MMR vaccination has been in decline for over ten years, with on average at least one in ten children unvaccinated and at risk of becoming seriously unwell. In some areas this is as high as four in ten children.
NHSE are launching a national call / recall inviting those not fully vaccinated to come forward to catch up on missed doses of the MMR vaccination.
Campaign details
Target audience: Parents and children, Healthcare professionals
Topics: Childhood health, Early years, MMR
MMR Vaccine uptake
Lower than the WHO recommended 95% vaccine uptake and the measles virus circulating is creating the perfect storm for infection to spread.
- The MMR vaccine has been in decline for over ten years with COVID-19 and misinformation exacerbating the problem. This in line with other childhood vaccinations.
- The vaccination rate for both MMR doses at age 5 years is 84.5% for England, lower than the 95% target set by the WHO and as low as 60% in some areas of London. (data from UHKSA published uptake stats)
- Millions of children under the age of 16 are not fully protected against measles. This is the number of children who have missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine.
Published: 25 March 2022