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Heart Attack

NHS England has launched this campaign to raise awareness of the symptoms of a heart attack and encourage anyone experiencing them to dial 999.

Campaign details

Related website

Target audience: Adults, Minority ethnic group

Topics: NHS, Early diagnosis

Campaign start date: 14 August 2023

Campaign end date: Ongoing


While people act upon chest pain or symptoms commonly associated with cardiac arrests, heart attacks manifest themselves in different ways, and people may not recognise other symptoms (such as general feeling of unease, feeling weak or lightheaded). Chest pain can also manifest as tightness or squeezing, rather than pain. 

This campaign aims to: 

  • increase audience understanding of the symptoms of a heart attack 
  • increase intention to dial 999 if they see or experience any of the signs 
  • increase earlier presentation of heart attacks, leading to earlier treatment, and improved outcomes for patients  

The target audiences for the campaign are:

  • adults 50+ upweighted to C2DE
  • ethnic minority groups (particularly South Asian and Black groups with high incidence)
  • adults who maybe able to act as a "heart attack helper" by dialing 999 on behalf of someone else

Campaign includes new copy that calls out that women can have a heart attack too, with creative featuring Jabeen.

Research behind the campaign

Heart and circulatory disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, causes a quarter of all deaths in the UK and is the largest cause of premature mortality in deprived areas.

This is the single biggest area where the NHS can save lives over the next 10 years. 

Published: 28 October 2022