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About School Zone

Our School Zone website offers curriculum-linked, PSHE Association-accredited resources and inspiration for teachers, from our Better Health resources on nutrition and physical activity for primary teachers to our Every Mind Matters mental health and wellbeing resources and lesson plans for secondary and Year 6 teachers.

Our flexible and easy-to-use resources are created by teachers and include ideas and activities to help you teach a range of topics in KS1 through to KS4. 

We'd love to hear what you think about the school zone and our resources. Email your feedback, photos, or stories showing what your school has been involved in to:

Nutrition and physical activity

The Better Health (formerly Change4Life) teaching resources for KS1 and KS2 encourage children to eat well and move more.

They include fun curriculum-linked lesson plans, pupil-led campaigns, whole-school activities, and information designed to help you teach children to eat healthily and move more.

Mental wellbeing

These lesson plans and resources are designed to support your pupils' mental wellbeing.

The Better Health – Every Mind Matters lesson plans, which feature videos co-created by young people, are curriculum-linked and have been accredited by the PSHE Association. 

The resources are flexible, ranging from 5-minute activities to full lesson plans, and cover a range of wellbeing topics including bullying and cyberbullying, sleep and exam stress.

They are designed to help teachers encourage discussion among students on a range of sensitive issues – perhaps on topics they may not be very familiar with or find challenging to broach in the classroom. 

Last updated: 15 August 2024